Old School is Cool School

It is surprising to learn that the use of the public library is on the rise.  61% of people polled say they have visited the public library 4 or more times in the past year.  If you had asked me, I would say that e-books and audiobooks were on the rise and that borrowing (and returning books) was a thing of the past.  This gives me huge hope that what is perceived as “old school” activities are still appreciated (in some ways).  Now, the yellow pad/pencil will never replace the valuable spreadsheet or accounting software; however, an honest appreciation of some of my solid memories of the past is due for some applause.  

A discussion of rotary phones (and prank calls) brings up all kinds of fond memories of slumber parties, friendships, and silliness.  While I don’t believe landlines will replace our beloved cell phones, I do believe there are some things that cannot be replaced.  A phone call (meaning human connection) will never be replaced by text messages/emails.  I was reminded of this recently when the urge to send a quick text was replaced by the decision to pick up the phone (cell) and call a friend.  Who knew that he needed a voice hug at that moment?  This reminded me to make an effort more often.

Nope, human connection cannot be replaced by gadgets.  And the smell of the stacks in a library will never be replaced by the tap of an icon on a screen to order a book.  

Deborah Cole